BC K900 EVO+ battery charger for lead acid and lithium batteries

Dříve 2 438,00 Kč
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2 438,00 Kč

Dodávka z centrálního skladu = doručení v nejbližší periodické dodávce do ČR (jednou týdně) + následující den kurýrem GLS kdekoliv v ČR. Na pražském skladu máme tisíce výrobků ihned k dispozici pro zákazníky prodejny, takže pokud máme vše z vaší objednávky na pražském skladu, posíláme to ihned a nečekáme na dodávku z centrálního skladu. V takovém případě jen záleží, kdy vaší objednávku dostaneme a zpracujeme. Uzavírka kurýrních zásilek je každý den v 15h. Jakmile kurýr odjede tak se musí počkat na následující pracovní den.

Kód výrobku
vč. 21% daně

BC K900 EVO+ is the only charger and maintainer for all 12V lead-acid and lithium batteries with CAN bus compatible charging programme for charging through the DIN 4165 12V socket of motorbikes with CAN bus system (e.g. BMW).
BC K900 EVO+ is not only ideal for restoring, charging and maintaining all scooter, ATV and motorbike batteries, but it can also be used for car battery maintenance. The unit can remain connected to the battery at all times while the vehicle remains unused.
Mode selection is simple, it is only necessary to press one button. 3 LEDs indicate the mode used, which is kept in memory for later use.
BC K900 EVO+ performs automatic microprocessor-controlled multi-cycle charging (8 cycles for lead-acid batteries, 7 cycles for LiFePO4 batteries). The charging technology for lead-acid batteries is ideal for recharging deeply discharged batteries (from 1.25 volts) and for charging, desulphating and preserving all 12V batteries up to 100 Ah. The LiFePO4 programme allows the recovery of deep-discharged batteries, fast/powerful charging, balancing between battery cells and maintaining the battery for longer periods. Safety is always guaranteed: POLAR mode is activated at low temperatures detected by an integrated sensor.
The device delivers a maximum current of 0.9 amps and is suitable for batteries from 1.2 to 100 Ah. Two LEDs indicate the executed phase as well as any error messages. BC K900 EVO+ is protected against short circuit, reverse polarity, overvoltage and overheating.

The packaging includes:
- a waterproof cable with eyelets that can always remain mounted on the vehicle
- a connection cable with insulated terminals
- a 12/18 mm universal adapter (optional accessory) to charge the battery via a cigarette lighter.

- Input voltage 220-240 V AC, 50-60 Hz
- Output voltage 13.8 V / 14.4 V - nominally 12 V (mode 12 volts)
- Charging current 0.9 A max.
- Battery types 12 V lead-acid (wet, gel, maintenance-free, VRLA, AGM, Ca/Ca, etc.) & 12V LiFePO4
- Charging algorithm - Lead-acid 8 automatic charging stages (initialisation, recovery, light charge, main charge, desulphation, battery analysis, conservation, equalisation).
- Battery capacity - lead-acid from 1.2 Ah to 100 Ah (maintenance)
- Charging algorithm - LiFePO4 7 automatic charging stages (initialisation, recovery, light charge, main charge, battery analysis, maintenance, equalisation)
- Battery capacity - LiFePO4 from 1 Ah to 100 Ah
- Operating temperature from -20° to +50°C
- IP protection class: Weather resistant - splash water protection IP44 (suitable for outdoor use)

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