Comfort pillion seat Fresh Touch, for Harley-Davidson RA1250 Pan America

Dříve 12 176,00 Kč
Co je to?
12 176,00 Kč

Dodávka z centrálního skladu = doručení v nejbližší periodické dodávce do ČR (jednou týdně) + následující den kurýrem GLS kdekoliv v ČR. Na pražském skladu máme tisíce výrobků ihned k dispozici pro zákazníky prodejny, takže pokud máme vše z vaší objednávky na pražském skladu, posíláme to ihned a nečekáme na dodávku z centrálního skladu. V takovém případě jen záleží, kdy vaší objednávku dostaneme a zpracujeme. Uzavírka kurýrních zásilek je každý den v 15h. Jakmile kurýr odjede tak se musí počkat na následující pracovní den.

Kód výrobku
vč. 21% daně

The Harley-Davidson Pan America is made for epic rides. A major shortcoming, however, is the original pillion seat, which does not allow a comfortable seating position, tends to sag and lets the passenger slide onto the rider with almost every braking.

We provide the desired level of comfort by producing a larger, anatomically shaped foam core together with our own plastic base pan.

The seat is perfect over long distances thanks to its high-quality, non-slip, bi-elastic covering material that provides a sweat-resistant surface.

Of course these seats also feature proven Touratech optimisations such as a hollowed recess to relieve coccyx pressure, a special contour on the pillion seat surface for support while braking and accelerating, and perfect positioning of the seams.

The extremely useful ability to adjust the seat angle and move the pillion seat is retained with our seats.

All in all a great investment in the future of your PanAm!

The high quality, multi-layer seat cover is equipped with a durable Fresh Touch surface coating. It reduces the surface temperature by significantly reflecting infrared light radiation and providing a cooler feeling when mounting a motorcycle parked in the sun.

An additional, exclusive gain in comfort for your riding pleasure!

The seat is waterproof

This high quality seat is supplied complete and ready-to-fit - there is no delay waiting for reupholstery work. It does not require any modifications to your motorbike and simply replaces the original seat, which you can keep.

- Anatomically shaped based on extensive test riding in Germany
- Our proprietary high-strength foam provides superior cushioning to prevent pressure sores
- Even weight distribution plus optimised contact with the bike equals perfect control
- Bi-elastic, sweat-resistant material with sealed seams
- Hollowed recess in the middle of the seat relieves coccyx pressure
- Specially contoured pillion seat prevents slippage when braking and accelerating
- Seams are optimally positioned to avoid creating pressure points on the seat
- Suitable for long-distance touring
- Top quality materials manufactured to the highest standards
- Seats are modular, i.e. they fit together with the original rider or pillion seat
- Made in Germany
- Up to 10 °C difference with the original seat fabric thanks to the surface coating "Fresh Touch"

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