Touratech pružící a tlumící jednotka *přední* pro BMW R1200GS (2014-2017), typ *Extreme*

Dříve 32 244,00 Kč
Co je to?
32 244,00 Kč

Dodávka z centrálního skladu = doručení v nejbližší periodické dodávce do ČR (jednou týdně) + následující den kurýrem GLS kdekoliv v ČR. Na pražském skladu máme tisíce výrobků ihned k dispozici pro zákazníky prodejny, takže pokud máme vše z vaší objednávky na pražském skladu, posíláme to ihned a nečekáme na dodávku z centrálního skladu. V takovém případě jen záleží, kdy vaší objednávku dostaneme a zpracujeme. Uzavírka kurýrních zásilek je každý den v 15h. Jakmile kurýr odjede tak se musí počkat na následující pracovní den.

Kód výrobku
vč. 21% daně
The Touratech Suspension Extreme shock absorber. The name says it all. With the "Extreme", the suspension is not automatically and continuously adjusted. The required settings are made by hand and the shock absorber is adjusted accordingly. The hydraulic position-dependent damping system (PDS) ensures that the Telelever system will not bottom out even in the most extreme off-road conditions. The "Extreme" suspension system from Touratech Suspension for the BMW R1200GS Adventure (LC) enhances stability and comfort even over thousands of miles on the harshest off-road terrain, ensuring greater safety and riding enjoyment. For a suspension system that is uncompromisingly tuned to your world tour.

NOTE: Are you planning to fit an Extreme suspension system to your BMW R1200GS Adventure (LC) 2014-2017 with DDC?
To avoid Dynamic Damping Control (DDC) error messages on the display after switching to a Touratech Suspension Extreme suspension system, Touratech has developed an "optional"disable plug for BMW DDC (01-045-5879-0) for the BMW. This ensures that ASC, ABS and DTC continue to operate perfectly.

INFO: Does not fit BMW ESA Next Generation “Autolevelling” from (2018)

Important, please note:
- With this suspension solution, we recommend replacing the rear and front shock absorbers together.
- This is the only way to achieve the best possible handling with this premium suspension system.

The basic setup fitted here is designed for riders up to 100 kg including luggage. Modifications are possible for a heavier rider (more than 100 kg) and/or if the bike is usually ridden with a passenger / with luggage. In this case, we individually modify the shock absorber to meet your needs by fitting a spring with a higher spring rate.

If you have any further questions, we will be happy to advise you. Contact us.
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